It pays to improve your Word Power!

Girl reading dictionary

When you learn a new language, you need to know so many new WORDS –  here are some tips to help you remember them :

  • Keep an organised vocabulary notebook.
  • Look at the words again after 24 hours, after one week and after one month.
  • Read, read, read. …
  • Use the new words. …
  • Do word puzzles and games like crosswords, anagrams and wordsearches.
  • Make word cards and take them with you.

See if you can work out these simple anagrams? (An anagram means changing the way letters are arranged to make a new word. EG:  RAT – TAR)

CAT  –

EAT  –




Can you think of other words? Write your own list and test your friends (or your homestay when you visit). :)

Find the answers when we do our next tip!

By |2021-03-23T04:49:49+00:00November 22nd, 2020|English Tips|Comments Off on It pays to improve your Word Power!

Make English a part of each day !

Girl with book in front of blackboard

A diary is a great way to record your day to day life – why not write an English diary?

Here are some ideas

Dear Diary,

Let me tell you about today!

Today, the weather was …..

I woke up and …….

I felt ……….

Today was ….

Here is an example:

Dear Diary,

Let me tell you about today!

Today the weather was perfect.  It was bright and sunny.

I woke up early and went for a walk with my dog.

I felt really happy today.

Today was a busy day as I went to school and also had my music lessons but it was all fun.

By |2021-03-23T04:51:45+00:00October 20th, 2020|English Tips|Comments Off on Make English a part of each day !